Collaboration of Kota Takashima from Showa University

1.Assess: Determine the language barrier early on. If you notice the patient or their companions struggling to understand, assume there might be a language barrier.

2.Simple Language: Speak slowly and clearly, using simple words and short sentences. Avoid using medical jargon or slang.

3.Visual Aids: Draw diagrams, use charts, or show pictures to help convey information about symptoms, treatments, or procedures.

4.Use Technology: Use translation apps or devices to help facilitate communication. There are many apps available that can translate spoken or written language in real-time.

5.Professional Interpreters: If available, utilize professional interpreter services. Hospitals and healthcare facilities often have access to interpreters either in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing.

6.Bilingual Staff or Family Members: If there are staff members who speak the patient’s language, or if the patient has family members who can interpret, involve them in the conversation.

7.Be Patient and Respectful: Communicating through a language barrier can take time and patience. Be respectful, understanding, and avoid getting frustrated.

8.Ask Simple Questions: Break down questions into simple, yes-or-no questions or multiple-choice options to make it easier for the patient to respond.

9.Confirm Understanding: After providing information or instructions, ask the patient to repeat or demonstrate their understanding to ensure clarity.

10.Written Instructions: Provide written instructions or educational materials in the patient’s language whenever possible. This can help reinforce verbal communication.

11.Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences that may affect communication and healthcare decisions. Respect the patient’s cultural beliefs and practices.

12.Follow-up: Schedule follow-up appointments or check-ins to ensure the patient is following treatment plans and to address any further questions or concerns.

13. Mind wordless cues: Visual facial expressions are very important. For example, you always smile at people and speak gently. If you’re giving confident wordless mark, at least it can make it seem like you’re friends.

14. Use gestures: This approach can be helpful when directing different languages as well. For example, when people who don’t speak the same language are thirsty, they point to a cup and their mouth. It helps them understand what they want to say.

15. Prepare the environment: The patient is definitely nervous because he is in an unfamiliar environment. Therefore, it is important to relax him. For example, you can play music from their country, or prepare a card in their country’s language that means you don’t have to worry.

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