In some cases, the clinician might relate your limited mouth opening to a decreased amount of synovial fluid, an essential lubricant inside the jaw joints. There is an exercise called Hinge Axis that helps improving function and lubrication of the jaw joints.

Why to do a “hinge axis” exercise?

There are several benefits of the hinge axis exercise:

  • Increases joint mobility.
  • Improves joint lubrication.
  • Promotes joint healing.

How to do the “hinge axis” exercise?

To learn how to do the hinge axis exercise watch this video.

  • Start your morning with this exercise as soon as you wake up from sleep.
  • Open and close your jaw fast and repeatedly, as shown in the video above, for about 6 seconds with a minimum opening (less than 15 mm or one finger).
  • Do not touch the teeth when doing the exercise.
  • The movement is similar to teeth shivering.
  • This exercise should be done six times a day (approximately every 2 hours).

How frequently should I do the “hinge axis” exercise?

Repeat this exercise at least 6 times per day or every two hours. Each time, be sure you spend at least 10 seconds and repeat at least 6 times.

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