Guided Opening
What is a normal mouth opening path?
Ideally, when you open and close your mouth, there is no deviation to any of the sides. To see if you have a straight opening, look at your image in a mirror, and visualize a vertical line located between two reference points (for example tip of the nose and tip of the chin), then open and close your mouth. Both points should be in the line both during the opening and closing of your mouth.
How to recognize a deviated path during opening or closing?
As you open and close your mouth in front of a mirror, you might identify a lateral deviation. This could be to only one side (deflection), or might “correct” during the trajectory (deviation).
Guided opening exercise
In front of the mirror, open and close, be sure that your reference points (tip of the nose and tip of the chin) never leaves a vertical line. If that happens, try to correct the deviation (you could push with your hand if needed).
Do three repetitions three times per day.

The red line indicates the relationship between the tip of the nose and the chin. See how in case of deviation, gentle pressure with the fingers can be used to “push” the chin to correct the position.
*Always follow clinical advice from your provider.